ODD Platform supports different OIDC/OAuth2 providers. Currently there are:

It is possible to have multiple providers at the same time (e.g. you want to allow to authenticate users from Github and Google, or from multiple Cognito user pools). Configuration properties name for each provider must fit the pattern auth.oauth2.client.{client_id}.{client_parameter}, where client_id is provider identifier.

There are some common parameters which are used across all providers:

  • auth.type. Must be set to OAUTH2

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.provider. Provider code, which helps application to understand which provider is used.

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.client-id. Client ID obtained from provider

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.client-secret. Client secret obtained from provider

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.client-name. Custom name, which will be shown on UI in case of multiple providers enabled. (optional)

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.redirect-uri. Redirect URL. Must be defined as {domain}/login/oauth2/code/{client-id}

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.scope. Authorization scopes which are allowed for application

For all OIDC providers openid scope must be included!

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.issuer-uri. URI that can either be an OpenID Connect discovery endpoint or an OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata endpoint defined by RFC 8414.

Given that the issuer uri is composed of a host and a path, ODD Platform tries to fetch information, calling following URLs:

  • host/.well-known/openid-configuration/path

  • issuer/.well-known/openid-configuration

  • host/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server/path

If you don't have issuer uri or if you want to override some values, there are special properties, which should be defined:

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.authorization-uri.Authorization URI for the provider.

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.token-uri.Token URI for the provider.

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.user-info-uri.User info URI for the provider.

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.jwk-set-uri.JWK set URI for the provider.

If issuer uri can provide this info above parameters might be skipped.

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.username-attribute. Defines which token claim should be picked as username in ODD Platform

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.admin-attribute. Defines which token claim is responsible for admin principal

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.admin-principals. List of users, who will have ADMIN role on login (for detailed explanation please check Roles section).

AWS Cognito

AWS Cognito provider can be configured using common oauth properties and couple of provider specific properties:

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.admin-groups. List of admin groups. Groups are retrieved from cognito:groups token claim.

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.logout-uri. Application will be redirected to this URI after user logout for removing session on cognito side. Please check AWS Docs for more details.

auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.username-attribute is cognito:username by default

    type: OAUTH2
                provider: cognito
                client-id: {client_id}
                client-secret: {client_secret}
                scope: openid
                redirect-uri: {host}/login/oauth2/code/cognito
                client-name: Cognito
                issuer-uri: {issuer_uri}
                logout-uri: {logout_uri}
                admin-groups: admin
                admin-attribute: cognito:username
                admin-principals: john,david


You can use Github as your OAUTH provider. ODD platform can retrieve info about user organizations and teams and use it for granting ADMIN permissions (for detailed explanation please check Roles section). There are some github specific properties, which can be set:

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.organization-name. Restricts login only for users from this particular organization

  • auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.admin-groups. Grants admin privilegies for users who are members of these teams, which are inside above organization

In order to retrieve organization information from github, user:read and read:org scopes must be included

    type: OAUTH2
                provider: github
                client-id: {client_id}
                client-secret: {client_secret}
                scope: user:read,read:org
                redirect-uri: {host}/login/oauth2/code/github
                client-name: Github
                authorization-uri: https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize
                token-uri: https://github.com/login/oauth/access_token
                user-info-uri: https://api.github.com/user
                user-name-attribute: login
                organization-name: my-cool-org
                admin-groups: admin
                admin-attribute: login
                admin-principals: john,david


ODD Platform allows to authenticate users via Google. You can restrict users to login under your organization domain. This is controlled by auth.oauth2.client.{client-id}.allowed-domain property.

    type: OAUTH2
                provider: google
                client-id: {client_id}
                client-secret: {client_secret}
                scope: openid,profile,email
                redirect-uri: {host}/login/oauth2/code/google
                client-name: Google
                issuer-uri: https://accounts.google.com
                user-name-attribute: name
                admin-attribute: email
                admin-principals: john@odd.com,david@odd.com
                allowed-domain: odd.com

Other OIDC providers

ODD Platform doesn't have any specific parameters for other providers, so they can be easily configured using default parameters. You can check examples below for OKTA and Keycloak OIDC providers.

    type: OAUTH2
                provider: okta
                client-id: {client_id}
                client-secret: {client_secret}
                scope: openid,profile,email
                redirect-uri: {host}/login/oauth2/code/okta
                client-name: Okta
                issuer-uri: {okta_issuer_uri}
                user-name-attribute: email
                admin-attribute: email
                admin-principals: john@odd.com,david@odd.com
    type: OAUTH2
                provider: keycloak
                client-id: {client_id}
                client-secret: {client_secret}
                scope: openid,profile,email
                redirect-uri: {host}/login/oauth2/code/keycloak
                client-name: Keycloak
                issuer-uri: {keycloak_issuer_uri}
                user-name-attribute: preferred_username
                admin-attribute: preferred_username
                admin-principals: john,davidyam

Last updated