API Reference

OpenAPI Specification and Swagger UI


This documentation provides a detailed guide on how to visualize and interact with the Open Data Discovery (ODD) API. It covers the usage of the OpenAPI Specification for understanding the API's structure and Swagger UI for testing and interacting with the API endpoints

OpenAPI Specification

ODD API adheres to the OpenAPI Specification, a standard format used to describe RESTful APIs. This specification outlines the available endpoints, request methods, response codes, and other necessary details to interact with the ODD Platform. Understanding the OpenAPI Specification is key to effectively utilizing the ODD API.

Using the Swagger UI

You can utilize the Swagger UI for an interactive experience with the ODD API.

Swagger UI Access: The Swagger UI can be accessed on your deployed ODD platform at {platform-base-url}/api/v3/api-docs. Additionally, a demo version is available at ODD Platform Demo Swagger UI.

Interacting with the API via Swagger UI

Start a Request: Navigate to an API endpoint in the Swagger UI and click "Try it out".

Enter Required Information: Ensure all mandatory fields (marked with an asterisk *) are completed.

Send the Request: Click the “Execute” button to submit the request.

Responses in Swagger UI

  • Response Body: The API response will be shown in the "Response body" section.

  • Response Codes and Examples: Examples of response objects for each response code can be found in the "Responses" section.

Further Information

Learn more about how to use Swagger UI with the Swagger UI documentation.

Last updated

Change request #45: Adding new feature descriptions: Dataset Schema Diff and Associating Terms with Data Entities